Contemporary Music Festival - May 20th 2011 to May 29th 2011

International Composer Pyramid Cavatina Chamber Music Trust High Score New Music Designed and Hosted by Dotcafe Designs
Sounds New Education Programme

New music is vital to us all. Its vibrant and extraordinary language speaks to us about the ‘here and now’ of our culture. All age groups, especially the young, frequently relate to the music of our time  more positively than they do to other periods. Such responses regularly act as a springboard for a long-term interest in the arts and to creative work too. We want everyone to participate in and constructively respond to the music of our time.

Sounds New promotes new music through concert performances, new commissions, short and long-term educational projects and our overall strategy of learning.

We facilitate  learning, making sure that composers, performers and artists impact on our community to everyone’s advantage. We create performing groups and new compositions by professionals, amateurs and students alike. We offer opportunities for creators of new music from different genres such as electronic, new media, improvised music, chamber and orchestral music, exposing our audience to the enjoyment of the music of our time.

How It Happens

We encourage listening, composing and performing of new music and we create an increased awareness of what is ‘contemporary’, vital and meaningful to people now. We provide opportunities for  learning through musical, literary, visual arts and dance projects. Our projects always relate directly to our annual programme, thus ensuring greater depth of involvement and appreciation for all.

For more information about the education programme and the whole festival please email the education project leader Peter Cook direct at

Sounds New Education Outreach Projects

Be part of Sounds New Education this year with all sorts of activities for people of all ages including music compositions, film, dance, poetry, reviews and more. Learning is for everyone, so whatever age you are, come along to our events and take part. During the festival there are also lots of workshops to take part in and ways of responding to concerts and expressing your views.

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